Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Review: The Traveling Stilettos by Glenna West, C. Rowe and Magnolia 'Maggie' Rivers

Marry Me – by Glenna West
Annabelle Buchanan is excited about the new pair of shoes she found for her upcoming wedding in two weeks. Legend has it that whoever puts on the shoes sees a vision of the man they will marry. Unfortunately for Anna, the man she sees is not her fiancé.
Bob Albert doesn’t mess with women who re already spoken for but when he meets Annabelle Buchanan, he has a hard time keeping with his rule.

Take A Chance – by C. Deanne Rowe
A pair of stilettos Addy Drake purchases should show her the man she will marry. In her vision, she doesn’t see a face. Only a tattoo. Confusion ensues when she meets two men with the same tattoo.

Spidy Sense – by Maggie Rivers
Rayndi Baker enjoys playing her hammered dulcimer for the kids on the cancer ward of her local hospital. While there, she meets Spiderman and becomes infatuated until she sees him in the hospital closet with another woman.
Ryker Brown’s twin brother died from cancer at age five. Ryker has devoted his life to being a doctor on the local children’s cancer ward in honor of his brother. He has no time for the dating game. That is, until he meets Rayndi Baker. But things go askew when Spiderman comes on the scene.


My Review:

Three amazing stories centered around a pair of magical stilettos.   

You’ve heard the quote before, Cinderella is proof a new pair of shoes can change your life.  It couldn’t be any truer in this book that features a trio of stories centered around a pair of magical stilettos.  The legend says whoever put on the stilettos will see their true love; the man she will marry.    

From Anna, who is about to get married when she discovers her fiancé isn’t who she thought he was and falls into the arms of brother’s best friend for support; to Addie, who ends up confused about her vision, and Rayndi, who buys the stilettos during a trip to Memphis and ends up falling in love with someone she never expected.  All of these stories were the perfect escape I was looking for.   


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